
Tyranena Brewing Company

Tyranena Brewing Company

1025 Owen Street
Lake Mills, WI 53551
Call: (920) 648-8699

Updated: August 25, 2022 at 03:13 PM

Live Music Schedule

8/26 The Van Eskes
8/27 Remington's Ride
9/02 The Honey Pies
9/03 David Hecht & the Who Dat

Tyranena Brewing Company Online


The legend of Tyranena began long ago, in a time before history was written. Legend tells of a foreign tribe that built a series of stone structures and effigy mounds on the edge of the lake called Tyranena.

Today, these structures lie preserved deep under the waters of Rock Lake. No one knows for sure who built them, the purpose they served, how and why they are now submerged, or even the meaning of the word Tyranena.

You are invited to develop your own theories while enjoying the new legends of Tyranena, the Legendary Wisconsin Beers of Tyranena Brewing Company

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